1820 Hand Avenue, Whistler, AL 36612 251-476-8184EMPLOYEE LOGIN
Our top priority is the safety of our employees, our customers, and the people in the community where we operate.

At Mobile Forest Products & Biomass, Inc., safety is a primary focus.  Our employees are our most valuable asset; and we are committed to creating a workplace that is safe, healthy and injury-free.


We believe that maximum efficiency in all operations begins with working safely. Each employee is expected to promote a safe working environment and help maintain a culture of  safety. That’s why the focus on safety is spread throughout our various operations, including:

  • Strictly enforcing our Drug & Alcohol Policy
  • Conducting routine safety meetings
  • Maintaining equipment
  • Implementing employee recognition programs
  • Presenting Million Mile Awards & providing dinners that reward accident- free goals
  • Providing other safety incentives that reward professionalism in the workplace
  • Distributing memos to employees when there are new rules & regulations from the FMCSA

Please click here to find our current Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs) Assessment from the FMCSA.  While you will find our record well below the national standard, we will not rest until we improve in all areas.

For more safety information, please contact: